Saturday, October 31, 2009

Elsie's First Halloween...

Though Elsie didn't get to do any trick or treating, she did don an Anne-Geddes-esque lady bug constume, which won her several smiles from those who saw her. One woman outside the frozen yogurt shop near our apartment remarked, "Such a beautiful child!" Can't say we disagree :) We did our own little photo shoot at home on the big!

Our little pumpkin holds her first pumpkin.

April and Elsie making eachother laugh...

Geeze, Mom, not in front of everyone...


Elsie, unsure of this new getup.

Ok, now that is just insanely cute.

Eat your heart out Ms. Geddes.

Ok, this one wasn't from Halloween, but Elsie is wearing a Pooh hat and plugging David McKee's book. Hard to believe she isn't yet seven months of age.

Friday, October 2, 2009

6 Months Old..TODAY!

Here are some recent shots of "Young Miss Elsie Rose," as Dr. Frates has dubbed her. Our bundle of joy is now able to sit without any assistance and has two little teeth coming in as you read this. Growing chattier with every passing day, we have an inkling that words are not far off. It is both exciting and staggering that half of Elsie's first year is behind us. Having children does really make one stop and savor the time that is given to us.